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تاریخ: 1388/09/23 نظرات: 338 نظر نمایش: 109758 مرتبه تعداد امتیاز: 639   (Article Rating)
انتخاب بلکا به عنوان محصول برتر اجلاس بین المللی کیفیت GIC

انتخاب بلکا به عنوان محصول برتر اجلاس بین المللی کیفیت GIC

 بلکا به عنوان با کیفیت ترین محصول ایرانی از سوی هیات مدیره این نهاد بین الملی انتخاب گریده است همچنین از شرکت سازه گستر سرایش تولید کننده محصول بلکا به عنوان تنها شرکت برگزیده کشورمان در این نهاد بین الملی تقدیر به عمل آمد .

 اجلاس بین الملی کیفیت (GIC)  با رویکرد مدیریت دانش در تهران با حضور سازمانها و وزارتخانه ها و نهادهای دولتی و خصوصی و نیز نمایندگان بیش از سی و دو کشور جهان اساتید داخل و خارج کشور و جمعی از نمایندگان مجلس شورای اسلامی در مرکز همایش های بین المللی صدا و سیما برگزار شد .

بلکا به عنوان با کیفیت ترین محصول ایرانی از سوی هیات مدیره این نهاد بین الملی انتخاب گریده است همچنین از شرکت سازه گستر سرایش تولید کننده محصول بلکا به عنوان تنها شرکت برگزیده کشورمان در این نهاد بین الملی تقدیر به عمل آمد .

در این مراسم جناب آقای دکتر رضایی دبیر مجمع تشخیص مصلحت نظام ، وزیر تعاون و همچنین رئیس سازمان خصوصی سازی به سخنرانی پرداختند .

جناب آقای مهندس محمودی به عنوان مدیر عامل شرکت سازه گستر سرایش به عنوان تولید کننده با کیفیت ترین محصول ایرانی در جمع حاضران در این اجلاس به سخنرانی  پرداخت .

اين اجلاس با رويكرد مديريت دانش در كيفيت با هدف شناسايي كم و كيف شركت هاي صنعتي، توليدي و خدماتي در سراسر جهان ، با استفاده از روشهاي علمي و مديريتي روز دنيا و تحقيقات مستمر سعی در انتخاب با کیفیت ترین محصولات را دارد .

اين اجلاس توسط بيش از 100 خبرنگار از رسانه‌هاي داخلي و خارجي پوشش خبري داده شد.


لازم به ذکر است نهاد بین الملی GIC به هدف شناسایی کم و کیف شرکتهای صنعتی ، تولیدی و خدماتی در سراسر جهان ، با استفاده از روشهای علمی و مدیریتی روز دنیا و تحقیقات مستمر در راستای توسعه و بهبود کیفی عملکرد خود توانسته است جایگاه منحصر به فردی در بین موسسات ممیزی و اعطای استانداردهای جهانی به خود اختصاص دهد . دفتر مرکزی GIC در شهر لندن واقع است و تا کنون در بیش از 50 کشور جهان شعبه و نمایندگی دایر نموده است . GIC از سازمان های تایید صلاحیت بسیار معتبر دنیا یعنی سازمان تایید صلاحیت انگلستان و استرالیا و زلاندنو دارای تایید صلاحیت است .




عکس تعدادی از پرسنل و همکاران 

بازدید تنی چند از اساتید دانشگاه ها و مقامات ، به همراه مهندس محمودی از غرفه ی بلکا در اجلاس بین المللی کیفیت  2009


لینک های مرتبط با خبر :

متن سخنان دبیر مجمع تشخیص مصلحت نظام آقای دکتر رضای در اجلاس بین المللی کیفیت

عکس های از اجلاس به روایت خبرگذاری فارس

روزنامه جام جم

شبکه خبر

سایت رسمی اجلاس

برنامه های اجلاس



کد: 5
گروه: عمومی
نویسنده خبر: وب کاران
امتیاز بندی

1) جناب آقای مهندس محمودی،
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ارسال توسط گروه مهندسین امیاتکس در تاریخ 1388/12/09

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In Maryland s Democratic primary for governor, you re more likely to be getting help with health insurance coverage if you work for the campaigns of Anthony Brown or Heather Mizeur than Doug Gansler.

Brown, the state human hair extensions s lieutenant governor, and Mizeur, a delegate from Montgomery County, both offer employer-sponsored plans to staff members on their gubernatorial campaigns. Seventeen of Brown s 25 employees are covered, as are five of Mizeur s 12 paid staffers, according to campaign spokesmen.

Gansler, the state s attorney general, does not provide coverage directly but instead tells employees that the campaign will supplement their salaries to pay for a private plan if extensions for sale they don t already have insurance through a spouse or parents.

As of Sunday, two of Gansler s 21 staff members were receiving such a supplement, according to campaign spokesman Bob Wheelock.

Wheelock said the lower percentage of Gansler staffers who are covered likely reflects the larger number of those who already had health insurance when they started working for the campaign.

One factor affecting all three campaigns is the number of young staffers. Under the Affordable Care Act, children can now stay on the health plans of their parents until they reach age 26.

Doug supports health care for everyone and that includes his staff, Wheelock said. It s just a consequence of the staff makeup and the need.

He added that Gansler s policy provides more flexibility than the approach taken by Brown and Mizeur.

The nice thing is, you can pick your plan, Wheelock said. We tell people find the best plan, and we ll cover the costs.

Gansler s opponents were less generous in their assessments of the discrepancy.

Brown campaign manager Justin Schall called it irresponsible and hypocritical for Gansler to provide help to such a small percentage of his staff, given Gansler s campaign reported having more than $6 million in the bank as of January. (Brown and his running mate reported more than $7 million.)

For months, Gansler has bashed Brown for the state s poor implementation of its online health insurance marketplace while at the same time touting his support for the goals of President Obama s health reforms. Brown was tasked by Gov. Martin O Malley (D) with implementing changes called for by the federal law.

The Brown campaign covers the full cost of health insurance for 68 percent of our employees, Schall said. It s difficult to believe that Gansler s campaign should only be covering 9 percent. Running for governor is about doing the right thing, even when it s hard or costly.

The Brown campaign has offered its employer-sponsored plan through CareFirst since August. Prior to that, Schall said, the campaign offered $250 a month to any full-time employee without health insurance who wanted to purchase a plan.

Mizeur spokesman Steven Hershkowitz said his campaign s employer-sponsored plan is available to all full-time staff members and suggested more would participate if they weren t already covered by their parent s plans. He noted that as a delegate, Mizeur authored a similar provision allowing longer dependent coverage on the state level before it became federal law.

Providing extensive health coverage for my employees has always been a priority for me as a small business owner, and now for my campaign, Mizeur said in a statement. It is simply the right thing to do. You cannot be taken seriously as an advocate for high-quality, affordable health care for all if you are not willing to put those principles into action.

In the 2010 election, the campaigns of both O Malley and former governor Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. (R) offered health-care coverage to their employees.

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Mont Blanc Fountain Pen



Le Coq Sportif Clothing

Birkenstock Sandals

Lacoste Shoes

Polo Ralph Lauren

Christian Louboutin Boots

Toms Shoes Canada

Red Bottom Shoes

Ecco Tennis Shoes

Lululemon Sale

Ferragamo Shoes

Lululemon Black Friday


Jordan 11

MCM Bags

Nike Outlet

Ecco Store
ارسال توسط Nike Air Max 97 در تاریخ 1399/10/09

331) Soccer Cleats

Kate Spade

Jimmy Choo Heels

Suicoke Moto Cab

Ralph Lauren

Nike Off White

Moncler Jackets

Christian Louboutin Heels

Jordan 13

Ugg Slippers

Yeezy 700

Golden Goose Superstar


Michael Kors Canada

Polo Outlet

Mini Fjallraven Kanken

Salomon Hiking Shoes

Nike Air Max

Geox Boots

Mont Blanc Starwalker

Balenciaga Shoes

Adidas Trainers

Kate Spade Handbags

Giuseppe Zanotti Shoes

Levis 511

Lacoste Sale

Salomon Hiking Shoes

Moncler Tracksuits

Yeezys Adidas

Tory Burch Flip Flops

Balenciaga Bags

Store Bape

Goyard Tote

Le Coq Sportif Mens Shoes

Yeezy Shoes

Adidas Nmd

Geox Sneakers

Air Max

Levis Jeans

The North Face Jackets

Skechers Outlet

Birkenstock Clogs

Versace T Shirt

Jordan 12

Burberry Shirt

Yeezy Boost 350

Bottega Veneta Handbags

Champion Hoodie

Golden Goose Sneakers

Fila Disruptor

Karen Millen Canada


Goyard Bags

Keen Shoes For Women

Champion Shoes

Adidas Shoes

Adidas Shoes

Jordan Shoes


Red Bottom Heels

Converse Outlet

Bottega Veneta Cassette Bags

Mont Blanc Pens

Yeezy 350

Golden Goose Sale

Kate Spade Purses

Levis Outlet

Champion Jackets


Karen Millen


Coach Backpacks

Hollister Shirts

Versace Belts

Fila Shoes

Jordan 11


Yeezy 350

Lacoste Polo

Yeezy 500

Versace Belts

Tory Burch Sunglasses

Adidas Ultra Boost

Off White T Shirt

Balenciaga Shoes

Vibram Five Fingers

Jordan Retro 4

Louboutin Shoes

Jordan 11

Michael Kors Outlet

True Religion Jeans

Birkenstock Shoes

Keen Canada

Tommy Hilfiger Canada

Versace Sneakers

Golden Goose Superstar


Saucony Running Shoes

Vans Store

Geox Shoes

Mcm Uk


Adidas Soccer Cleats

Hydro Flask Sale

Ecco Shoes

Polo Ralph Lauren Shirts

Stuart Weitzman Sandals

Jordan Shoes

Birkenstock Clogs

Yeezy 500

Yeezy 700

Lacoste Shirt

Kate Spade Purses

Pandora Bracelet

Toms Shoes Women


Air Max 720

Adidas Canada

Keds Shoes Outlet

North Face Jackets

Salomon Xa Pro 3D Gtx

Birkenstock Sale

Longchamp Large Pliage

Fred Perry

Puma Golf Shoes

Nike Shoes

Store Bape

Keen Sandals

Lacoste Polo

Birkenstock Sale


Toms Boots

Uggs Boots

Giuseppe Zanotti Shoes

North Face

Swarovski Outlet

Kate Spade


The North Face Backpack

Nike Canada

Merrell Shoes

Skechers Work Boots

Adidas Shoes

Keens Footwear

Tory Burch Crossbody

Moncler Jackets

North Face Jackets

Air Max 270

Geox Outlet


Salomon Trainers

Yeezy 350

Skechers Work Boots

North Face

Ugg Boots Women

Nike Soccer Cleats

Birkenstock Gizeh

Suicoke Sandals

Fitflop Shoes

Diesel Outlet

Ferragamo Trainers

Keens Footwear

Le Coq Sportif Mens Shoes

Adidas Yeezy

Tory Burch Flip Flops
ارسال توسط Adidas Superstar در تاریخ 1399/10/21

332) Yeezy Supply

Off White Hoodie

Asics Canada

Brooks Running Shoes

Levis Canada

Suicoke Sale

Calvin Klein Leggings

Champion Sweatshirt

Michael Kors Wristlets

Geox Boots Canada

Birkenstock Outlet

Nike Factory Store

Merrell Hiking Shoes

Louboutin Heels

Yeezy Boost 350

Louboutin Heels


The North Face Outlet

Pandora Jewelry Offical Site

Fitflop Shoes

Nike Running Shoes


Juicy Couture Outlet

Vans Old Skool

Yeezy Boost 350 V2

Coach Purses

Toms Shoes Canada

Red Bottoms

Dolce N Gabbana

Jordan 35

Ecco Outlets


Adidas Ultra Boost Mens

Skechers Sandals

Suicoke Sandals

Vibram Shoes Canada

Tommy Hilfiger Slippers

Adidas Nmd

Saucony Shoes Canada


Kate Spade Bags


MBT Shoes

Stussy T Shirt

Levis 511

Salomon Outlet

Le Coq Sportif

Salomon S Lab

Bottega Veneta Outlet

Kate Spade Outlet

Golden Goose Sale

Fjallraven Kanken

Asics Gel Nimbus

Fjallraven Kanken Backpack


Steve Madden

Balenciaga Canada Outlet

Tory Burch

Ugg Slippers

Geox Sneakers

Lacoste Outlet

Asics Running Shoes

Adidas Outlet Canada

Birkenstock Sandals Canada

Golden Goose Sneakers

Birkenstock Sandals

Champion Sweatshirt

Nike Outlet

Bose Headphones

Tods Shoes Canada

Lululemon Black Friday

Yeezy 350

Fred Perry Polo Canada

Nike Shoes

Converse Outlet

Keds Sneakers


Yeezy Supply

Kate Spade Handbags Canada

Bape Hoodie

Air Max Shoes

Saucony Running Shoes

Polo Ralph Lauren Canada

Red Sole Shoes

Montblanc Pen Outlets

Converse All Star Canada

Pandora Jewelry

Birkenstock Sandals Women

Tory Burch Bags

Lululemon Outlet

Adidas Yeezy

Ed Hardy Clothing

Christian Louboutin Shoes

MBT Footwear

Goyard Bags

Skechers Canada

True Religion Outlet

Keen Shoes Canada

Fila Factory

Brooks Sneakers

Nike Shoes

Brooks Outlet

Golden Goose Sale

Longchamp Handbags

Jimmy Choo Sandals

Levis 512

Michael Kors Outlet

Hollister Clothing Canada

Longchamp Tote

Jordan 1

Montblanc Pens Canada

Kate Spade Outlet

Aldo Boots

Philipp Plein

Calvin Klein

Lululemon Outlet

Lacoste Shirts Canada

Jimmy Choo Outlet

Dolce Gabbana Sneakers

Mizuno Wave Rider

Pandora Charms

Coach Outlet Canada Online

Burberry Bags

Pandora Charms

Tommy Hilfiger Outlet

Lululemon Canada

Off White Shoes

Juicy Tracksuit

Vans Shoes Canada

Fjallraven Kanken Backpack

Mizuno Running Shoes

Brooks Running Shoes Canada

Hydro Flask Water Bottle

Christian Louboutin Shoes


Michael Kors

Lecoq Sportif



Ed Hardy Canada

Montblanc Outlet



Birkenstocks Shoes

Birkenstock Sale

Coach Wristlet

Ecco Shoes Women

Clarks Desert Boots

Birkenstock Sandals

Fred Perry Clothing

Ferragamo Flats

Ralph Lauren Outlet

Juicy Couture Sweatsuit

Longchamp Large Pliage

Fjallraven Kanken Sale

Polo Ralph Lauren


Tommy Hilfiger

Skechers Go Walk

Ecco Canada

Brooks Shoes

The North Face Jacket

Levis Outlet

Fila Shoes Canada

Kids Hydro Flask

Polo Ralph Lauren

Hydro Flask 40 Oz

Brooks Canada
ارسال توسط Bape در تاریخ 1399/11/01

333) Fila Canada

Juicy Couture Tracksuit Canada

Champion Sweatshirt Canada

Mizuno Outlet

Karen Millen Forever Dress

Lululemon Leggings

Keen Canada

Burberry Handbags

Tory Burch

Tods Driving Shoes

Steve Madden Heels

Louboutin Shoes


Juicy Couture

Coach Handbags

Karen Millen Dresses Canada

Burberry Handbags

Fred Perry

Ed Hardy Store

Le Coq Sportif Shoes

Goyard Tote


Balenciaga Triple S

Red Bottoms

Bottega Veneta Clutch

Skechers Shoes

Air Jordan 12 Retro

Birkenstock Sandals

Adidas Canada

Tory Burch Sandals

Vibram Five Finger Shoes


Off White T Shirt

Lacoste T Shirt

Salvatore Ferragamo Loafer

Jordan 1 Low

Salomon Canada

Nike Shoes

Pandora Charms

Merrell Boots

Ecco Outlet Canada

Fitflops Sandals Sale Canada

Ecco Mens Shoes

Keds Shoes Outlet

Fitflop Sale

Michael Kors

Off White Sweatshirt

Jordan 8

Nike Running Shoes

Brooks Ghost

Fila Disruptors Canada

Kate Spade Handbags

Vans Old Skool


Burberry Shirt




Moncler Outlet

Adidas Stan Smith Mens

Tommy Hilfiger Outlet

Supreme New York

Yeezy Adidas

Michael Kors

Lauren Ralph Lauren

Bape Us

Polo Ralph Lauren Outlet

Red Bottom Shoes

Nike Factory

Calvin Klein Outlet

Ferragamo Sneakers

Ugg Boots Women

Calvin Klein Sweatpants

Lululemon Shorts

Tory Burch Flip Flops

Levis 505

Adidas Yeezy


Bape Canada

Toms Booties

Pandora Earrings

Philipp Plein Store

Skechers Sneakers

Aldo Boots

Under Armour Sweatpants

Dolce And Gabbana Sunglasses

Aldo Boots

Fred Perry Sale

Golden Goose Sneakers Candada

Saucony Sneakers

Le Coq Sportif Running Shoes

Moncler Jacket

Jimmy Choo Sale Canada

Cartier Rings

Lululemon Leggings

Birkenstock Sandals

Salomon Speedcross 5

Longchamp Bags

Longchamp Bags

Goyard Tote

Coach Outlet Canada Online

North Face Backpack

Ck Canada

Michael Kors Outlet

Adidas Ultra Boost

Birkenstock Sandals Canada

Adidas Yeezy

Bose Wireless Headphones

Fila Sneakers


Louboutin Shoes

Salvatore Ferragamo Canada

Vans Store

Sperrys Women

True Religion Mens Jeans

Goyard Handbags

Fjallraven Kanken Sale

Geox Boots

Nike Factory

Merrell Boots

Burberry Shirt

Tory Burch Sandals

Under Armour Canada Sale

Brooks Running Shoes

Keen Shoes For Men

Birkenstock Sandals

Suicoke Moto Sandals

Golden Goose Superstar Sneakers

Supreme Clothing

Christian Louboutin Shoes

Juicy Couture

Champion Hoodie Womens

Nike Air Max

Lacoste Outlet

Salomon X Ultra

Asics Sneakers

Geox Shoes

Hollister Hoodies

Fjallraven Kanken Canada

Ecco Mens Shoes

Fred Perry Outlet

Brooks Shoes Canada

Bose Headphones Canada

Mcm Canada

Balenciaga Shoes

Tommy Hilfiger Outlet

Ugg Outlet

Kate Spade Handbags

Hollister Clothing Canada

Michael Kors Wristlets

Stuart Weitzman 5050

Bape Hoodie

Puma Shoes

Asics Canada

Uggs For Men

Champion Hoodie Canada

Hydro Flask Water Bottle

Prada Canada

Hydro Flask Water Bottle

Pandora Factory

Puma Running Shoes

Montblanc Pens
ارسال توسط Birkenstock Sale در تاریخ 1399/11/19

334) Ecco

Jordan 12

Giuseppe Zanotti

Lacoste Shirt

Jordan 12

Pandora Store

North Face Jackets

Coach Handbags

Moncler Outlets

Keen Sandals

Ugg Winter Boots

Keen Shoes Canada

Christian Louboutin Shoes

Fitflop Sandals

Yeezy Boost 350

Toms Outlet

Jimmy Choo Pumps

Toms Shoes

Keds Tennis Shoes

Ferragamo Sale

Tory Burch Crossbody

Calvin Klein Underwear

Adidas Canada

Lauren Ralph Lauren

Yeezy 700

Geox Outlet

Yeezy 350

Versace Dresses

Michael Kors Handbags

Geox Kids Shoes

Toms Wedges

Bottega Veneta Handbags

Tory Burch Bags

Nike Shoes


Golden Goose Womens Sneakers


Adidas Shoes

Bottega Veneta Handbags

Hydro Flask

Yeezy 350

Versace Shirt

Dolce And Gabbana Sneakers

Yeezy 350

Canada Birkenstock

Ecco Sandals

Air Max 270

Hollister Outlet

Jordan 13

Birkenstock Shoes

Keens Shoes

Air Max 270

Jimmy Choo Shoes Canada

Suicoke Slides

Jordan 34

Adidas Shoes

Soccer Shoes


Coach Bags


Longchamp Outlet

Lacoste Shoes

Yeezy 350

Golden Goose Womens Sneakers

Kate Spade

Saucony Kinvara 10

The North Face Jackets


Coach Outlets

Adidas Soccer Cleats

Pandora Jewelry

Merrell Shoes

Yeezy 350

Mont Blanc Starwalker

Kate Spade Bags

Uggs Boots

Under Armour Canada

Puma Fenty

Prada Shoes

Kate Spade Laptop Bags

The North Face Canada


Short Bape

Fred Perry Sale

Off White Nike Shoes

Yeezy Boost 350

The North Face Jackets

Mizuno Wave Rider

Five Finger Shoes

Birken Sandals

Nike Shoes

Birkenstock Sale

Fila Sneakers

Jordan Retro 11

Diesel Jeans

Longchamp Handbags

Off White

Kate Spade Outlet

Champion Clothing Canada

Merrell Boots

Longchamp Backpack

Suicoke Sandals

Adidas Canada

Le Coq Sportif Shoes

Pandora Charms

Moncler Outlet

Levis Canada

Nike Shoes

Goyard Backpack

Levis 501


Pandora Rings

Mizuno Shoes

Fendi Sunglasses

Vans Sale


Converse Outlet

Jordan 11

North Face Jackets

Puma Shoes

Tommy Hilfiger

Stuart Weitzman Shoes

Skechers Shoes

Golden Goose Sneakers Womens

Tommy Hilfiger Sale

Versace Dresses

True Religion Clothing

Nike Soccer Cleats

Dolce And Gabbana Sunglasses

Valentino Shoes


Cartier Rings

Salomon Hiking Shoes

Off White


Puma Store

Versace Sneakers

Tods Driving Shoes

Nike X Off White


Asics Running Shoes

Golden Goose Trainers

Ralph Lauren

Levis 511

North Face Hoodie

Yeezy 380

Hugo Boss Suits

Mcm Bags

Goyard Backpack


Michael Kors Outlet


Air Max 270

Bvlgari Earrings

Salomon Shoes

Pandora Rings


Jordan 11

Yeezy 350

Saucony Kinvara 10

Nike Neakers

Diesel Clothes

Polo Ralph Lauren


Keen Work Boots
ارسال توسط Vibram Shoes در تاریخ 1399/11/27

335) Toms

Red Bottoms

Birkenstocks Shoes

Off White Canada

Salomon Hiking Shoes

Juicy Couture Tracksuit

Converse Shoes


Fred Perry Outlet

Jordan 6

Champion Sweatshirt Womens


Pandora Bracelet

Stussy Shirt

Nike Outlet

Montblanc Pens Canada

Balenciaga Triple S

Balenciaga Shoes


Kate Spade Handbags Canada

Off White Shoes

Skechers Sandals


Birkenstock Canada

Ape Bathing

Pandora Rings


Lululemon Black Friday

Bottega Veneta

Vans Outlet Canada

Keen Shoes For Men

Birkenstock Sandals

Kate Spade

Red Bottoms


Yeezy Shoes

Asics Canada Shoes

Polo Hoodie

Brooks Shoes

Polo Hoodie

Jimmy Choo Sandals

Vans Store

Skechers Boots

Adidas Nmd

Coach Canada

Suicoke Slippers

Lululemon Shorts

MBT Footwear

Brooks Shoes

Coach Wristlet

Fjallraven Clearance

Birkenstock Sandals

Tory Burch Bags Canada


Bose Wireless Speaker

Salomon Shoes

Tods Canada

Tommy Hilfiger

Merrell Shoes Canada

Asics Shoes

Adidas Nmd

Michael Kors Canada

Tory Burch

Steve Madden Shoes

Adidas Yeezy

Nike Running Shoes

Ecco Shoes Women

Montblanc Pen Fountain

Coach Bags

Hydro Flask Sale

Rooks Running Shoes Canada

Dolce And Gabbana Shoes

Adidas Ultra Boost Mens

Hydro Flask Water Bottle

Michael Kors Factory

Levis 501


Birkenstock Sale

Longchamp Bags

Ferragamo Shoes

Lacoste Canada

Longchamp Canada Outlet

True Religion

Suicoke Sandals

Pandora Rings

Ralph Lauren Dresses Canada

Calvin Klein Underwear

Hollister Clothing Canada

Philipp Plein Outlet

Juicy Couture Sweatsuit

Yeezy Canada

Birkenstock Sale

Geox Sandals

Louboutin Shoes

Kate Spade Purses

Jordan Shoes

Goyard Bags

Levis Outlet


Le Coq Sportif Outlet

Mizuno Outlet

Clarks Desert Boots

Le Coq Sportif Running Shoes

Fila Clothing Canada

Converse Shoes

Ugg Outlet

Louboutin Heels

Vibram Shoes Canada

Ecco Boots

Jimmy Choo Heels

Christian Louboutin Shoes

Levis 501

Fila Disruptor 2


Fred Perry

Golden Goose Sneakers

MBT Walking Shoes

Saucony Running Shoes

Ralph Lauren Outlet

Michael Kors Bags

Champion Clothes

Ecco Sandals Canada

Ed Hardy Clothing

Lacoste Sneakers

Longchamp Le Pliage


Ed Hardy Jeans

Golden Gooses

Merrell Hiking Boots

Nike Air Max 270

Burberry Outlet

Skechers Go Walk

Lululemon Leggings

Levis 512

Yeezy 350

Dolce And Gabbana Canada

Aldo Shoes Women

Saucony Shoes

Geox Shoes

Tommy Hilfiger Shoes

Keds Tennis Shoes

Yeezy Boost 350

The North Face Backpack

Nike Shoes

Hydro Flask

Juicy Couture Tracksuit

Louboutin Heels

Kate Spade Handbags



Lululemon Canada

Lacoste Outlet

Fjallraven Kanken Backpack

Nike Factory Store

Brooks Shoes

Lululemon Leggings

Calvin Klein Leggings

Adidas Canada Outlet

Nike Vapormax

Asics Running Shoes

Keen Footwear Canada

The North Face Hoodie

Brooks Running Shoes

Tommy Hilfiger Outlet

Brooks Shoes

Golden Goose Sneakers Womens

Adidas Yeezy

Pandora Earrings
ارسال توسط Louboutin Shoes در تاریخ 1399/12/08

336) Adidas Yeezy

Pandora Charms


Cleats Football

Superdry Hoodie

Keen Boots

Ecco Sandals

Yeezy 350



Longchamp Bags

Ralph Lauren Canada

Off White Shoes

Versace T Shirt

ike Shoes

Aldo Shoes

New Jordans

Adidas Ultra Boost

Nike Air Max

Birkenstock Shoes

Stussy Shirt

Juicy Couture Tracksuit

The North Face Jacket

Nike Air Max

Le Coq Sportif Clothing

Jimmy Choo

Longchamp Outlet

Salomon Running Shoes

Kate Spade

Pandora Charms

Mizuno Shoes

Miu Miu Shoulder Bags

Nike Outlet

Keen Work Boots

Moncler Coats

Birkenstock Shoes

Fjallraven Kanken

Golden Goose

golden goose shoes

Balenciaga Bags

Adidas Outlets


Sperry Tennis Shoes



Louboutin Shoes

Adidas Yeezy

Yeezy Boost 700

Coach Backpacks

Bape Sweater

Air Max 720

Versace Sneakers

Michael Kors

Ralph Lauren Polo Shirts

Hollister Clothing

Skechers Sandals

Mont Blanc Explorer

Red Bottoms

Nike X Off White

Nike Shoes


True Religion Shirts

Puma Fenty

Bape Jacket

True Religion Jeans

Ecco Shoes

Michael Kors Bags

Balenciaga Shoes

Tory Burch Shoes

Fitflop Shoes

Birkenstock Canada

Le Coq Sportif Sneakers

Keen Shoes

MCM Purse

Ralph Lauren Canada

Tory Burch Canada


Lululemon Outlet

Stuart Weitzman Heels

Ugg Winter Boots


Suicoke Shoes

Toms Canada


Lacoste Outlet

Balenciaga Sneakers

Tods Sneakers

The North Face Hoodie

Pandora Charms

Steve Madden

Asics Outlets

Le Coq Sportif

Kate Spade

Lacoste Polo

Toms Wedges


Suicoke Slides

Yeezy Supply

Bose Headphones

Kate Spade Wallet

Fitflop Boots

Ralph Lauren Outlet

Golden Goose Sale

Juicy Couture Tracksuit

Burberry Shirt

fjallraven backpack

Armani Clothing

Fred Perry Women

Off White Shirt

Christian Louboutin

Yeezy Shoes

Toms Wedges

Adidas Yeezy


Keen Canada

Adidas Yeezy

Ralph Lauren Polos

Christian Louboutin

Moncler Coat

Jordan Retro

Geox Sandals

Kate Spade Keds

Hollister Hoodies

Red Bottom Shoes

pandora bracelet

Coach Purses

Merrell Boots

Merrell Shoes


Adidas Shoes

Nike Shoes

Nike Factory

Champion Clothes

Dolce Gabbana Shoes

fitflop sandals

Fila Clothing

Fitflop Canada

Champion Shoes

Kate Spade

Prada Handbags

Red Bottom Shoes

Nike Running Shoes

kate spade handbags

Bape Shirt

Hollister Jeans

Lacoste Outlet

Tommy Hilfiger Jeans

Salomon Store

North Face Canada

Kate Spade Bags

Mizuno Shoes

Yeezy 380

Dolce And Gabbana Shoes

Goyard Canada

Louboutin Shoes

Adidas Yeezy

Yeezy Boost 350

Ugg Outlet


Salvatore Ferragamo Shoes

Suicoke Moto

Red Bottoms

Shoes Vans

off white sneakers

Hydro Flask 32 Oz
ارسال توسط Longchamp Backpack در تاریخ 1399/12/17

337) Le Coq Sportif Outlet

Dolce And Gabbana Heels

Skechers Sandals

Ferragamo Shoes


Asics Canada Shoes

Asics Canada Shoes

Kids Hydro Flask

Michael Kors Purse

Adidas Yeezy

Merrell Shoes

Fila Sneakers

Lacoste Shirt

Le Coq Sportif

Keens Shoes

Lululemon Pants

Adidas Canada

The North Face Jacket

Montblanc Pen Outlets

Christian Louboutin Shoes

Yeezy Supply

Calvin Klein Womens Underwear

Yeezy 700

Lululemon Outlet

Ed Hardy

Kate Spade Bags

Coach Handbags

Geox Canada

Fila Hoodie Canada

Tods Canada Online

Red Bottoms

Saucony Canada

Salomon X Ultra

Levis Outlet

Christian Louboutin Boots


Ralph Lauren Polo Shirts

Juicy Couture Hoodie

Converse Outlet Canada

Salomon Boots Canada

Bose Soundsport Wireless

Coach Outlet Canada Online

Champion Clothes

Jimmy Choo Shoes

Ralph Lauren

Levis 501

Tory Burch

Saucony Running Shoes

Hollister Canada

Adidas Shoes

Suicoke Sandals Womens

Kate Spade Bags

Fred Perry Canada

Five Fingers Vibram

Suicoke Sandals

Adidas Canada

Brooks Running Shoes


Brooks Outlet

Birkenstock Online

Burberry Bags

Birkenstock Sale

Keen Footwear Canada

Juicy Couture Tracksuit Canada

Off White Shirt

MBT Footwear

Levis Jeans Canada

Vans Store

Kate Spade Purses

Ultra Boost 19


Ecco Outlets

Brooks Shoes

Merrell Boots


Pandora Rings

Vans Old Skool

Fred Perry Outlet

Clarks Sandals

Ecco Outlet Canada

Steve Madden

Dolce N Gabbana

Yeezy 700

Skechers Shoes

Birkenstock Outlet

True Religion

Stussy Clothing

The North Face Parka

Hydro Flask 40 Oz


Lululemon Leggings

Golden Gooses

Skechers Shoes

Jimmy Choo Sale

Nike Air Max Womens

Off White Clothing

Lacoste Shoes

Calvin Klein Outlet

Red Bottoms

Pandora Jewelry

Christian Louboutin Shoes

Nike Factory


Golden Goose Shoes

Aldo Shoes Women

Pandora Charms

Michael Kors Outlet

Asics Womens Shoes Outlet


Coach Handbags

Longchamp Le Pliage

Jordan 3

Fjallraven Kanken

Mizuno Running Shoes


Brooks Outlet

Birkenstock Sandals Canada

Michael Kors Canada

Lululemon Leggings Canada

Montblanc Pen Ballpoint

Philipp Plein Store

Champion Shirt


Bape Shirt

Red Bottoms

Geox Sneakers

Nike Canada


Longchamp Outlet


Tommy Hilfiger Dresses

Salomon Speedcross 5

Lacoste Shoes

Nike Air Max

Lululemon Outlet

Saucony Outlet

Converse Basketball Shoes

Nike Outlet

MBT Footwear

Fjallraven Sale

Bottega Veneta Purse


Brooks Shoes


Pandora Jewelry

Tory Burch Bags

Tommy Hilfiger Outlet

Lululemon Outlet


Adidas Shoes

Juicy Tracksuit

Levis 511

Jordan 12

Nike Canada

Yeezy 700

Golden Goose Sale

Ecco Outlets

Kate Spade Bags

Ralph Lauren

Ed Hardy Hoodie

Uggs Boots


Tommy Hilfiger Outlet Online

Keds Shoes

Hydro Flask 32 Oz

Hollister Jeans

Longchamp Le Pliage

Ralph Lauren
ارسال توسط Balenciaga در تاریخ 1399/12/18


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ارسال توسط yanmaneee در تاریخ 1399/12/26

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دفتر مرکزی : تهران - خیابان آفریقا، بلوار گلشهر، پلاک 17   |   تلفن : (7 خط) 22058906 - (3خط) 22039436 - 22041902   |    فاکس : 22047005

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